Our team aims to improve the short- and long-term outcome of children after admission to Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU).

Paediatric Intensive Care Research group is a field spanning several diseases and conditions affecting critically ill children, at a local national, and international level. 

Our research team is led by Professor Warwick Butt and PICU director A/Prof Tom Rozen and we have consultants engaged in research projects with their clinical appointments, as well as a dedicated team of research nurses, many with further degrees. We have additional research support through our PICU MDT (multidisciplinary team) including clinical technology and pharmacy and many of our clinical staff are completing research and quality projects with their clinical appointments.

We support international visiting researchers and students conducting projects in PICU. Previously, we have supported students’ to complete projects as part of masters of science, biomedical science, PhDs, and degree electives. All staff from the medical, nursing, and technology departments within the intensive care unit are encouraged to undertake research.

Our team has a range of studies underway locally, nationally, and internationally to improve the outcomes for children with life-threatening illnesses. The PICU at the Royal Children's Hospital research group is a member of ANZICS PSG (Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society, Paediatric Study Group).

Our main research areas

  • Cardiac disease
  • Acquired brain injury
  • Lung disease
  • Sepsis
  • Renal replacement therapy
  • Intensive care outcomes
  • The role of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in both cardiac and general PICU.